function location2D = fitCuboid(ptr, changeID) %{ Author: Jianxiong Xiao: Citation: Please cite the following paper if you use this code in all possible ways. @inproceedings{CuboidDetector, author = "Jianxiong Xiao and Bryan C. Russell and Antonio Torralba", title = "Localizing 3D Cuboids in Single-view Images", booktitle = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)", year = "2012", month = "December", address = "Lake Tahoe, USA" } Demo: just run this function without any argument. Function: This program takes input of the image coordinate of the 7 corners of a cuboid, and fit a 3D cuboid, and output the new image coordinate of the corners. If changeID is 1-7, it will ignore that corner, and use the rest of the corners to estimate the result. If changeID is 8, it will use all 7 corners to fit the cuboid. Installation: You need to have ceres ( installed in your machine (I only tested with version 1.3.0), and compile the mex file by running compile.m Cooridinate system: y ^ | | 2-------------7 | |\ \ | | 1-------------4 | | | | | 5 | | | \| | | 3-------------6 | | +----------------------------->x / / / L z %} if ~exist('ptr','var') subplot(2,1,1); imshow(imread('SUNprimitive.jpg')); ptr=[ 80+10 52+10 % add some error +10 to test how it gets back 53 3 179 55 62 145 152 6 162 146 37 90]; edge = [1 2; 1 3; 1 4; 2 5; 3 5; 3 6; 2 7; 4 7; 4 6]; for e=1:size(edge,1) hold on plot(ptr(edge(e,:),2),ptr(edge(e,:),1),'-r','LineWidth',3); end title('input'); end if ~exist('changeID','var') changeID = 1; end ptr = ptr'; %% initialization X = [-1 -1 -1 1 -1 1 1; 1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 1; 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1]; x = ptr; N = 7; if changeID<8 chooseVector = true(1,7); chooseVector(changeID) = false; X = X(:,chooseVector); x = x(:,chooseVector); N = 6; end xi = x(1,:); yi = x(2,:); % Estimate Q = P*L: A = [[zeros(4,N); X; ones(1,N); -X(1,:).*yi; -X(2,:).*yi; -X(3,:).*yi]'; ... [-X; -ones(1,N); zeros(4,N); X(1,:).*xi; X(2,:).*xi; X(3,:).*xi]']; b = [yi -xi]'; Q = [A\b; 1]; Q = reshape(Q,4,3)'; [K,R,t] = decomposeP(Q); % P = K*R*[eye(3) -t]. %xxx = K*R*[X-repmat(t,1,N)]; xxx(1:2,:)./xxx([3 3],:) f=mean(K([1 5])); px = K(7); py = K(8); %cuboidH = 1; %cuboidW = 1; %{ px_init = scoreSize(2)/2; py_init = scoreSize(1)/2; cuboidH = px_init/px; cuboidW = py_init/py; f = mean([K(1,1)/cuboidH, K(2,2)/cuboidW]); cuboidH = K(1,1)/f; cuboidW = K(2,2)/f; px = K(1,3)/cuboidH; py = K(2,3)/cuboidW; t(1) = t(1) * cuboidH; t(2) = t(2) * cuboidW; %} % K = [f 0 px; 0 f py; 0 0 1]; % xxx = K*R*[diag([cuboidH,cuboidW,1])*X-repmat(t,1,N)]; xxx(1:2,:)./xxx([3 3],:) % sum(sum((xxx(1:2,:)./xxx([3 3],:) - ptr(:,chooseVector)).^2)) parameter = [f,px,py,t',1,1,0,0,0]; %% least square fitting [location2D,err] = fitCuboidMex(ptr,parameter,R, int32(changeID)); %% visualization for the demo if exist('edge','var') subplot(2,1,2); imshow(imread('SUNprimitive.jpg')); for e=1:size(edge,1) hold on plot(location2D(2,edge(e,:)),location2D(1,edge(e,:)),'-g','LineWidth',3); end title('result'); end %% if changeID<8 location2D = location2D(:,changeID)'; end