addpath /n/fs/vision/www/pvt/ latexFname = '/Users/xj/Documents/museumIJCV/museumCSG/ijcv.tex'; oriPath = '/Users/xj/Documents/museumIJCV/museumCSG/all'; newPath = '/Users/xj/Documents/museumIJCV/museumCSG/'; % this script parse a latex file and copy all figures into a new location % this is usually used to get a clean version for submitting latex files % to places like IJCV or ECCV that requires the latex file for final % submission str = file2string(latexFname); pos = strfind(str,'\includegraphics['); newline = sprintf('\n'); images = {}; for i=1:length(pos) ps = strfind(str(pos(i):end),'{'); ps = ps(1); pe = strfind(str(pos(i):end),'}'); pe = pe(1); nlp = strfind(str(1:pos(i)),newline); if isempty(nlp) nlp = 0; else nlp = nlp(end); end cmp = strfind(str(1:pos(i)),'%'); if isempty(cmp) cmp = 0; else cmp = cmp(end); end if nlp>=cmp images{end+1} = str(pos(i)+ps:pos(i)+pe-2); end end for i=1:length(images) newF = fullfile(newPath,images{i}); if ~exist(fileparts(newF),'dir') mkdir(fileparts(newF)); end copyfile(fullfile(oriPath,images{i}),newF); end