function [TR, TT, ER, maxD, t] = icp(q,p,varargin) % this is modified version of the original version % % Perform the Iterative Closest Point algorithm on three dimensional point % clouds. % % [TR, TT] = icp(q,p) returns the rotation matrix TR and translation % vector TT that minimizes the distances from (TR * p + TT) to q. % p is a 3xm matrix and q is a 3xn matrix. % % [TR, TT] = icp(q,p,k) forces the algorithm to make k iterations % exactly. The default is 10 iterations. % % [TR, TT, ER] = icp(q,p,k) also returns the RMS of errors for k % iterations in a (k+1)x1 vector. ER(0) is the initial error. % % [TR, TT, ER, t] = icp(q,p,k) also returns the calculation times per % iteration in a (k+1)x1 vector. t(0) is the time consumed for preprocessing. % % Additional settings may be provided in a parameter list: % % Boundary % {[]} | 1x? vector % If EdgeRejection is set, a vector can be provided that indexes into % q and specifies which points of q are on the boundary. % % EdgeRejection % {false} | true % If EdgeRejection is true, point matches to edge vertices of q are % ignored. Requires that boundary points of q are specified using % Boundary or that a triangulation matrix for q is provided. % % Extrapolation % {false} | true % If Extrapolation is true, the iteration direction will be evaluated % and extrapolated if possible using the method outlined by % Besl and McKay 1992. % % Matching % bruteForce | Delaunay | {kDtree} % Specifies how point matching should be done. % bruteForce is usually the slowest and kDtree is the fastest. % Note that the kDtree option is depends on the Statistics Toolbox % v. 7.3 or higher. % % Minimize % {point} | plane | lmaPoint % Defines whether point to point or point to plane minimization % should be performed. point is based on the SVD approach and is % usually the fastest. plane will often yield higher accuracy. It % uses linearized angles and requires surface normals for all points % in q. Calculation of surface normals requires substantial pre % proccessing. % The option lmaPoint does point to point minimization using the non % linear least squares Levenberg Marquardt algorithm. Results are % generally the same as in points, but computation time may differ. % % Normals % {[]} | n x 3 matrix % A matrix of normals for the n points in q might be provided. % Normals of q are used for point to plane minimization. % Else normals will be found through a PCA of the 4 nearest % neighbors. % % ReturnAll % {false} | true % Determines whether R and T should be returned for all iterations % or only for the last one. If this option is set to true, R will be % a 3x3x(k+1) matrix and T will be a 3x1x(k+1) matrix. % % Triangulation % {[]} | ? x 3 matrix % A triangulation matrix for the points in q can be provided, % enabling EdgeRejection. The elements should index into q, defining % point triples that act together as triangles. % % Verbose % {false} | true % Enables extrapolation output in the Command Window. % % Weight % {@(match)ones(1,m)} | Function handle % For point or plane minimization, a function handle to a weighting % function can be provided. The weighting function will be called % with one argument, a 1xm vector that specifies point pairs by % indexing into q. The weighting function should return a 1xm vector % of weights for every point pair. % % WorstRejection % {0} | scalar in ]0; 1[ % Reject a given percentage of the worst point pairs, based on their % Euclidean distance. % % Martin Kjer and Jakob Wilm, Technical University of Denmark, 2012 % Use the inputParser class to validate input arguments. inp = inputParser; inp.addRequired('q', @(x)isreal(x) && size(x,1) == 3); inp.addRequired('p', @(x)isreal(x) && size(x,1) == 3); inp.addOptional('iter', 10, @(x)x > 0 && x < 10^5); inp.addParamValue('Boundary', [], @(x)size(x,1) == 1); inp.addParamValue('EdgeRejection', false, @(x)islogical(x)); inp.addParamValue('Extrapolation', false, @(x)islogical(x)); validMatching = {'bruteForce','Delaunay','kDtree'}; inp.addParamValue('Matching', 'kDtree', @(x)any(strcmpi(x,validMatching))); validMinimize = {'point','plane','lmapoint'}; inp.addParamValue('Minimize', 'point', @(x)any(strcmpi(x,validMinimize))); inp.addParamValue('Normals', [], @(x)isreal(x) && size(x,1) == 3); inp.addParamValue('NormalsData', [], @(x)isreal(x) && size(x,1) == 3); inp.addParamValue('ReturnAll', false, @(x)islogical(x)); inp.addParamValue('Triangulation', [], @(x)isreal(x) && size(x,2) == 3); inp.addParamValue('Verbose', false, @(x)islogical(x)); inp.addParamValue('Weight', @(x)ones(1,length(x)), @(x)isa(x,'function_handle')); inp.addParamValue('WorstRejection', 0, @(x)isscalar(x) && x > 0 && x < 1); inp.addParamValue('SmartRejection', 0, @(x)isscalar(x) && x > 0); inp.parse(q,p,varargin{:}); arg = inp.Results; clear('inp'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Actual implementation % Allocate vector for RMS of errors in every iteration. t = zeros(arg.iter+1,1); % Start timer tic; Np = size(p,2); % Transformed data point cloud pt = p; % Allocate vector for RMS of errors in every iteration. ER = zeros(arg.iter+1,1); maxD = zeros(arg.iter,1); % Initialize temporary transform vector and matrix. T = zeros(3,1); R = eye(3,3); % Initialize total transform vector(s) and rotation matric(es). TT = zeros(3,1, arg.iter+1); TR = repmat(eye(3,3), [1,1, arg.iter+1]); % If Minimize == 'plane', normals are needed if (strcmp(arg.Minimize, 'plane') && isempty(arg.Normals)) arg.Normals = lsqnormest(q,4); end % If Matching == 'Delaunay', a triangulation is needed if strcmp(arg.Matching, 'Delaunay') DT = DelaunayTri(transpose(q)); end % If Matching == 'kDtree', a kD tree should be built (req. Stat. TB >= 7.3) if strcmp(arg.Matching, 'kDtree') kdOBJ = KDTreeSearcher(transpose(q)); end % If edge vertices should be rejected, find edge vertices if arg.EdgeRejection if isempty(arg.Boundary) bdr = find_bound(q, arg.Triangulation); else bdr = arg.Boundary; end end if arg.Extrapolation % Initialize total transform vector (quaternion ; translation vec.) qq = [ones(1,arg.iter+1);zeros(6,arg.iter+1)]; % Allocate vector for direction change and change angle. dq = zeros(7,arg.iter+1); theta = zeros(1,arg.iter+1); end t(1) = toc; % Go into main iteration loop for k=1:arg.iter % Do matching switch arg.Matching case 'bruteForce' [match mindist] = match_bruteForce(q,pt); case 'Delaunay' [match mindist] = match_Delaunay(q,pt,DT); case 'kDtree' [match mindist] = match_kDtree(q,pt,kdOBJ); end % If matches to edge vertices should be rejected if arg.EdgeRejection p_idx = not(ismember(match, bdr)); q_idx = match(p_idx); mindist = mindist(p_idx); else p_idx = true(1, Np); q_idx = match; end if k==1 && arg.SmartRejection arg.WorstRejection = sum(mindist > (median(mindist)* arg.SmartRejection))/ length(mindist); fprintf('ICP: Median=%f Threshold=%f WorstRejection=%f\n', median(mindist),median(mindist)* arg.SmartRejection,arg.WorstRejection); % vis %{ figure hist(mindist,0:0.01/10:max(mindist)); hold on; plot(median(mindist),0,'g*'); plot(median(mindist)* arg.SmartRejection,0,'r*'); %} end % If worst matches should be rejected if arg.WorstRejection edge = round((1-arg.WorstRejection)*sum(p_idx)); pairs = find(p_idx); [~, idx] = sort(mindist); p_idx(pairs(idx(edge:end))) = false; q_idx = match(p_idx); mindist = mindist(p_idx); end maxD(k) = max(mindist); if k == 1 ER(k) = sqrt(sum(mindist.^2)/length(mindist)); end switch arg.Minimize case 'point' % Determine weight vector weights = arg.Weight(match); [R,T] = eq_point(q(:,q_idx),pt(:,p_idx), weights(p_idx)); case 'plane' weights = arg.Weight(match); [R,T] = eq_plane(q(:,q_idx),pt(:,p_idx),arg.Normals(:,q_idx),weights(p_idx)); case 'lmaPoint' [R,T] = eq_lmaPoint(q(:,q_idx),pt(:,p_idx)); end % Add to the total transformation TR(:,:,k+1) = R*TR(:,:,k); TT(:,:,k+1) = R*TT(:,:,k)+T; % Apply last transformation pt = TR(:,:,k+1) * p + repmat(TT(:,:,k+1), 1, Np); % Root mean of objective function ER(k+1) = rms_error(q(:,q_idx), pt(:,p_idx)); % If Extrapolation, we might be able to move quicker if arg.Extrapolation qq(:,k+1) = [rmat2quat(TR(:,:,k+1));TT(:,:,k+1)]; dq(:,k+1) = qq(:,k+1) - qq(:,k); theta(k+1) = (180/pi)*acos(dot(dq(:,k),dq(:,k+1))/(norm(dq(:,k))*norm(dq(:,k+1)))); if arg.Verbose disp(['Direction change ' num2str(theta(k+1)) ' degree in iteration ' num2str(k)]); end if k>2 && theta(k+1) < 10 && theta(k) < 10 d = [ER(k+1), ER(k), ER(k-1)]; v = [0, -norm(dq(:,k+1)), -norm(dq(:,k))-norm(dq(:,k+1))]; vmax = 25 * norm(dq(:,k+1)); dv = extrapolate(v,d,vmax); if dv ~= 0 q_mark = qq(:,k+1) + dv * dq(:,k+1)/norm(dq(:,k+1)); q_mark(1:4) = q_mark(1:4)/norm(q_mark(1:4)); qq(:,k+1) = q_mark; TR(:,:,k+1) = quat2rmat(qq(1:4,k+1)); TT(:,:,k+1) = qq(5:7,k+1); % Reapply total transformation pt = TR(:,:,k+1) * p + repmat(TT(:,:,k+1), 1, Np); % Recalculate root mean of objective function % Note this is costly and only for fun! switch arg.Matching case 'bruteForce' [~, mindist] = match_bruteForce(q,pt); case 'Delaunay' [~, mindist] = match_Delaunay(q,pt,DT); case 'kDtree' [~, mindist] = match_kDtree(q,pt,kdOBJ); end ER(k+1) = sqrt(sum(mindist.^2)/length(mindist)); end end end t(k+1) = toc; end if not(arg.ReturnAll) TR = TR(:,:,end); TT = TT(:,:,end); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [match mindist] = match_bruteForce(q, p) m = size(p,2); n = size(q,2); match = zeros(1,m); mindist = zeros(1,m); for ki=1:m d=zeros(1,n); for ti=1:3 d=d+(q(ti,:)-p(ti,ki)).^2; end [mindist(ki),match(ki)]=min(d); end mindist = sqrt(mindist); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [match mindist] = match_Delaunay(q, p, DT) match = transpose(nearestNeighbor(DT, transpose(p))); mindist = sqrt(sum((p-q(:,match)).^2,1)); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [match mindist] = match_kDtree(~, p, kdOBJ) [match mindist] = knnsearch(kdOBJ,transpose(p)); match = transpose(match); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [R,T] = eq_point(q,p,weights) m = size(p,2); n = size(q,2); % normalize weights weights = weights ./ sum(weights); % find data centroid and deviations from centroid q_bar = q * transpose(weights); q_mark = q - repmat(q_bar, 1, n); % Apply weights q_mark = q_mark .* repmat(weights, 3, 1); % find data centroid and deviations from centroid p_bar = p * transpose(weights); p_mark = p - repmat(p_bar, 1, m); % Apply weights %p_mark = p_mark .* repmat(weights, 3, 1); N = p_mark*transpose(q_mark); % taking points of q in matched order [U,~,V] = svd(N); % singular value decomposition R = V*diag([1 1 det(U*V')])*transpose(U); T = q_bar - R*p_bar; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [R,T] = eq_plane(q,p,n,weights) n = n .* repmat(weights,3,1); c = cross(p,n); cn = vertcat(c,n); C = cn*transpose(cn); b = - [sum(sum((p-q).*repmat(cn(1,:),3,1).*n)); sum(sum((p-q).*repmat(cn(2,:),3,1).*n)); sum(sum((p-q).*repmat(cn(3,:),3,1).*n)); sum(sum((p-q).*repmat(cn(4,:),3,1).*n)); sum(sum((p-q).*repmat(cn(5,:),3,1).*n)); sum(sum((p-q).*repmat(cn(6,:),3,1).*n))]; X = C\b; cx = cos(X(1)); cy = cos(X(2)); cz = cos(X(3)); sx = sin(X(1)); sy = sin(X(2)); sz = sin(X(3)); R = [cy*cz cz*sx*sy-cx*sz cx*cz*sy+sx*sz; cy*sz cx*cz+sx*sy*sz cx*sy*sz-cz*sx; -sy cy*sx cx*cy]; T = X(4:6); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [R,T] = eq_lmaPoint(q,p) Rx = @(a)[1 0 0; 0 cos(a) -sin(a); 0 sin(a) cos(a)]; Ry = @(b)[cos(b) 0 sin(b); 0 1 0; -sin(b) 0 cos(b)]; Rz = @(g)[cos(g) -sin(g) 0; sin(g) cos(g) 0; 0 0 1]; Rot = @(x)Rx(x(1))*Ry(x(2))*Rz(x(3)); myfun = @(x,xdata)Rot(x(1:3))*xdata+repmat(x(4:6),1,length(xdata)); options = optimset('Algorithm', 'levenberg-marquardt'); x = lsqcurvefit(myfun, zeros(6,1), p, q, [], [], options); R = Rot(x(1:3)); T = x(4:6); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Extrapolation in quaternion space. Details are found in: % % Besl, P., & McKay, N. (1992). A method for registration of 3-D shapes. % IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 239?256. function [dv] = extrapolate(v,d,vmax) p1 = polyfit(v,d,1); % linear fit p2 = polyfit(v,d,2); % parabolic fit v1 = -p1(2)/p1(1); % linear zero crossing v2 = -p2(2)/(2*p2(1)); % polynomial top point if issorted([0 v2 v1 vmax]) || issorted([0 v2 vmax v1]) disp('Parabolic update!'); dv = v2; elseif issorted([0 v1 v2 vmax]) || issorted([0 v1 vmax v2])... || (v2 < 0 && issorted([0 v1 vmax])) disp('Line based update!'); dv = v1; elseif v1 > vmax && v2 > vmax disp('Maximum update!'); dv = vmax; else disp('No extrapolation!'); dv = 0; end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Determine the RMS error between two point equally sized point clouds with % point correspondance. % ER = rms_error(p1,p2) where p1 and p2 are 3xn matrices. function ER = rms_error(p1,p2) dsq = sum(power(p1 - p2, 2),1); ER = sqrt(mean(dsq)); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Converts (orthogonal) rotation matrices R to (unit) quaternion % representations % % Input: A 3x3xn matrix of rotation matrices % Output: A 4xn matrix of n corresponding quaternions % % function quaternion = rmat2quat(R) Qxx = R(1,1,:); Qxy = R(1,2,:); Qxz = R(1,3,:); Qyx = R(2,1,:); Qyy = R(2,2,:); Qyz = R(2,3,:); Qzx = R(3,1,:); Qzy = R(3,2,:); Qzz = R(3,3,:); w = 0.5 * sqrt(1+Qxx+Qyy+Qzz); x = 0.5 * sign(Qzy-Qyz) .* sqrt(1+Qxx-Qyy-Qzz); y = 0.5 * sign(Qxz-Qzx) .* sqrt(1-Qxx+Qyy-Qzz); z = 0.5 * sign(Qyx-Qxy) .* sqrt(1-Qxx-Qyy+Qzz); quaternion = reshape([w;x;y;z],4,[]); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Converts (unit) quaternion representations to (orthogonal) rotation matrices R % % Input: A 4xn matrix of n quaternions % Output: A 3x3xn matrix of corresponding rotation matrices % % function R = quat2rmat(quaternion) q0(1,1,:) = quaternion(1,:); qx(1,1,:) = quaternion(2,:); qy(1,1,:) = quaternion(3,:); qz(1,1,:) = quaternion(4,:); R = [q0.^2+qx.^2-qy.^2-qz.^2 2*qx.*qy-2*q0.*qz 2*qx.*qz+2*q0.*qy; 2*qx.*qy+2*q0.*qz q0.^2-qx.^2+qy.^2-qz.^2 2*qy.*qz-2*q0.*qx; 2*qx.*qz-2*q0.*qy 2*qy.*qz+2*q0.*qx q0.^2-qx.^2-qy.^2+qz.^2]; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Least squares normal estimation from point clouds using PCA % % H. Hoppe, T. DeRose, T. Duchamp, J. McDonald, and W. Stuetzle. % Surface reconstruction from unorganized points. % In Proceedings of ACM Siggraph, pages 71:78, 1992. % % p should be a matrix containing the horizontally concatenated column % vectors with points. k is a scalar indicating how many neighbors the % normal estimation is based upon. % % Note that for large point sets, the function performs significantly % faster if Statistics Toolbox >= v. 7.3 is installed. % % Jakob Wilm 2010 function n = lsqnormest(p, k) m = size(p,2); n = zeros(3,m); v = ver('stats'); if str2double(v.Version) >= 7.5 neighbors = transpose(knnsearch(transpose(p), transpose(p), 'k', k+1)); else neighbors = k_nearest_neighbors(p, p, k+1); end for i = 1:m x = p(:,neighbors(2:end, i)); p_bar = 1/k * sum(x,2); P = (x - repmat(p_bar,1,k)) * transpose(x - repmat(p_bar,1,k)); %spd matrix P %P = 2*cov(x); [V,D] = eig(P); [~, idx] = min(diag(D)); % choses the smallest eigenvalue n(:,i) = V(:,idx); % returns the corresponding eigenvector end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Program to find the k - nearest neighbors (kNN) within a set of points. % Distance metric used: Euclidean distance % % Note that this function makes repetitive use of min(), which seems to be % more efficient than sort() for k < 30. function [neighborIds neighborDistances] = k_nearest_neighbors(dataMatrix, queryMatrix, k) numDataPoints = size(dataMatrix,2); numQueryPoints = size(queryMatrix,2); neighborIds = zeros(k,numQueryPoints); neighborDistances = zeros(k,numQueryPoints); D = size(dataMatrix, 1); %dimensionality of points for i=1:numQueryPoints d=zeros(1,numDataPoints); for t=1:D % this is to avoid slow repmat() d=d+(dataMatrix(t,:)-queryMatrix(t,i)).^2; end for j=1:k [s,t] = min(d); neighborIds(j,i)=t; neighborDistances(j,i)=sqrt(s); d(t) = NaN; % remove found number from d end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Boundary point determination. Given a set of 3D points and a % corresponding triangle representation, returns those point indices that % define the border/edge of the surface. function bound = find_bound(pts, poly) %Correcting polygon indices and converting datatype poly = double(poly); pts = double(pts); %Calculating freeboundary points: TR = TriRep(poly, pts(1,:)', pts(2,:)', pts(3,:)'); FF = freeBoundary(TR); %Output bound = FF(:,1); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%