function [depthRefined, image] = SiftFuv2warpFast(directory,frameIDtarget, interval) data = loadStructureIOdata(directory,[]); margin = 0; % new structureIO renderK = data.K; im = imread(data.image{1}); renderW = size(im,2); renderH = size(im,1); = renderK; = renderW; = renderH; = eye(3); = zeros(3,1); = renderW; renderH; [x,y] = meshgrid(1:renderW, 1:renderH); = (x-data.K(1,3))/data.K(1,1); = (y-data.K(2,3))/data.K(2,2); data.imageTotalFrames = length(data.image); frameIDs = max(frameIDtarget-interval,1):min(data.imageTotalFrames,frameIDtarget+interval); targetFrame = getRGBDframe(data,frameIDtarget); Rts = repmat([eye(3) zeros(3,1)],[1,1,length(frameIDs)]); itarget = find(frameIDs==frameIDtarget); DepthRt = zeros(3,4,0); DepthID = []; matched = false(1,length(frameIDs)); for i = 1:length(frameIDs) if i~=itarget fprintf('matching frame %d and frame %d\n',frameIDs(itarget),frameIDs(i)); currentFrame = getRGBDframe(data,frameIDs(i)); Rts(:,:,i) = align2RGBD(targetFrame,currentFrame); matched(i) = true; else Rts(:,:,i) = [eye(3) zeros(3,1)]; matched(i) = true; end [imageDepth, justUseFrameID, Rt_maxNeg2RGB, Rt_minPos2RGB, maxNegDepthFrameID, minPosDepthFrameID, maxNegValue, minPosValue] = depth4RGB(data, frameIDs(i)); if isempty(justUseFrameID) DepthID = [DepthID maxNegDepthFrameID]; DepthRt(:,:,end+1) = concatenateRts(Rts(:,:,i), Rt_maxNeg2RGB); DepthID = [DepthID minPosDepthFrameID]; DepthRt(:,:,end+1) = concatenateRts(Rts(:,:,i), Rt_minPos2RGB); if i==itarget if (-maxNegValue)< minPosValue targetDepthID = maxNegDepthFrameID; else targetDepthID = minPosDepthFrameID; end end else DepthID = [DepthID justUseFrameID]; DepthRt(:,:,end+1) = concatenateRts(Rts(:,:,i), Rt_maxNeg2RGB); if i==itarget targetDepthID = justUseFrameID; end end end allDepthID = unique(DepthID); for i=1:length(allDepthID) loc = find(DepthID==allDepthID(i)); loc = loc(floor((length(loc)+1)/2)); depth = readDepth(data,DepthID(loc),false); XYZcamera(:,:,1) .* depth; XYZcamera(:,:,2) .* depth; XYZcamera(:,:,3)=depth .* (~isnan( & ~isnan(; XYZcamera(:,:,4)=depth>0 & ~isnan( & ~isnan(; [~,undistortDepth(:,:,i)] = WarpDepthMatlab(XYZcamera,renderK, DepthRt(:,:,loc), renderW, renderH); if DepthID(loc)==targetDepthID depthRaw = undistortDepth(:,:,i); end end undistortDepth(undistortDepth(:)==0) = NaN; depthMedian = nanmedian(undistortDepth,3); countMedian = sum(~isnan(undistortDepth),3); validMedian = countMedian> (size(undistortDepth,3)*0.25) | countMedian> 10; % to preserve details: check the value and the range of all values. if it is 25%-75%, keep the original values disp('prctile...'); tic minV = prctile(undistortDepth,75,3); maxV = prctile(undistortDepth,25,3); toc image = ones(renderH,renderW,3); image(margin+1:end-margin,:,:)= targetFrame(:,:,1:3); selV = ((depthRaw < minV) | (depthRaw > maxV) | isnan(depthRaw)) & validMedian; ind = find(selV); depthRefined = depthRaw; depthRefined(ind) = depthMedian(ind); depthRefined(isnan(depthRefined(:)))=0;