function depthRefined = SiftFuv2(sequenceName,frameIDtarget, interval) %try % load('debug.mat'); %catch if ~exist('sequenceName','var') sequenceName = '2014_04_02-14_13_45'; end if ~exist('frameIDtarget','var') frameIDtarget = 11; end if ~exist('interval','var') interval = 10; end data = loadSUN3Dv2(sequenceName); frameIDs = max(frameIDtarget-interval,1):min(data.image.NumberOfFrames,frameIDtarget+interval); frames = getRGBDframe(data,frameIDs); Rts = repmat([eye(3) zeros(3,1)],[1,1,length(frameIDs)]); itarget = find(frameIDs==frameIDtarget); for i = 1:length(frameIDs) if i~=itarget fprintf('matching frame %d and frame %d\n',frameIDs(itarget),frameIDs(i)); Rts(:,:,i) = align2RGBD(frames(:,:,:,itarget), frames(:,:,:,i)); end end %depthRefined=[]; save('debug.mat','Rts'); %end voxel.unit = 0.01; %0.01; % Kevin: 4mm = 0.004 meter. Kinect cannot go better than 3mm voxel.mu_grid = 5; % used to be 4 voxel.size_grid = [512; 512; 512]; %[512; 512; 1024]; % [512; 512; 512]; voxel.range(1,1) = - voxel.size_grid(1) * voxel.unit / 2; voxel.range(1,2) = voxel.range(1,1) + (voxel.size_grid(1)-1) * voxel.unit; voxel.range(2,1) = - voxel.size_grid(2) * voxel.unit / 2; voxel.range(2,2) = voxel.range(2,1) + (voxel.size_grid(2)-1) * voxel.unit; voxel.range(3,1) = 0.4; % - voxel.size_grid(3) * voxel.unit / 2; voxel.range(3,2) = voxel.range(3,1) + (voxel.size_grid(3)-1) * voxel.unit; = voxel.mu_grid * voxel.unit; fprintf('memory = %f GB\n', prod(voxel.size_grid) * 4 / (1024*1024*1024)); fprintf('space = %.2f m x %.2f m x %.2f m ', voxel.size_grid(1) * voxel.unit, voxel.size_grid(2) * voxel.unit, voxel.size_grid(3) * voxel.unit); fprintf('= [%.2f,%.2f] x [%.2f,%.2f] x [%.2f,%.2f]\n',voxel.range(1,1),voxel.range(1,2),voxel.range(2,1),voxel.range(2,2),voxel.range(3,1),voxel.range(3,2)); tsdf_value = ones([voxel.size_grid(1),voxel.size_grid(2), voxel.size_grid(3)],'single'); tsdf_weight = zeros([voxel.size_grid(1),voxel.size_grid(2), voxel.size_grid(3)],'single'); % get the grid there disp('meshgrid'); tic; [X,Y,Z]=ndgrid(1:voxel.size_grid(1),1:voxel.size_grid(2),1:voxel.size_grid(3)); toc; disp('grid to world'); tic; X = X(:)'; Y = Y(:)'; Z = Z(:)'; gridIndexAll = sub2ind(voxel.size_grid',X,Y,Z); gridCoordinateW = [single(X)*voxel.unit + voxel.range(1,1); single(Y)*voxel.unit + voxel.range(2,1); single(Z)*voxel.unit + voxel.range(3,1)]; clear X Y Z; toc; dispclim = [0 8]; for i=1:length(frameIDs) frameID=frameIDs(i); depth = get_depth(imread(data.depth{frameID})); if i==itarget figure;imagesc(depth,dispclim); axis equal; axis tight; axis off; title('raw depth'); end % transform the grid disp('transform'); tic; gridCoordinateC = transformPointCloud(gridCoordinateW, Rts(:,:,i)); toc; % select: in front of camera disp('select: in front of camera'); tic; isValid = find(gridCoordinateC(3,:)>0); gridCoordinateC = gridCoordinateC(:,isValid); gridIndex = gridIndexAll(isValid); toc; % select: project disp('select: project'); tic; pxy = round(1+project_points2(gridCoordinateC,,,,; isValid = (1<=pxy(1,:) & pxy(1,:) <= & 1<=pxy(2,:) & pxy(2,:)<=; gridCoordinateC = gridCoordinateC(:,isValid); gridIndex = gridIndex(isValid); py = pxy(2,isValid); px = pxy(1,isValid); toc; % select: valid depth disp('select: valid depth'); tic; ind = sub2ind([],py,px); isValid = depth(ind)~=0; gridCoordinateC = gridCoordinateC(:,isValid); gridIndex = gridIndex(isValid); ind = ind(isValid); toc; % compare distance between measurement and the grid disp('compare distance between measurement and the grid'); %{ const float diff = (depth[px] - cameraX.z) * sqrt(1+sq(pos.x/pos.z) + sq(pos.y/pos.z)); if(diff > -mu){ const float sdf = fminf(1.f, diff/mu); float2 data = vol[pix]; data.x = clamp((data.y*data.x + sdf)/(data.y + 1), -1.f, 1.f); data.y = fminf(data.y+1, maxweight); vol.set(pix, data); } %} tic; eta = (depth(ind)- gridCoordinateC(3,:)) .* ((1+ (gridCoordinateC(1,:)./gridCoordinateC(3,:)).^2 + (gridCoordinateC(2,:)./gridCoordinateC(3,:)).^2 ).^0.5); toc; %tic; %XYZmeasure = [XYZcam(ind);XYZcam(ind+640*480);XYZcam(ind+640*480*2)]; %Dmeasure = sqrt(sum(XYZmeasure.^2,1)); %Dtran = sqrt(sum(gridCoordinateC.^2,1)); %eta = Dmeasure-Dtran; %toc; % select: > - mu disp('select: > - mu'); tic; isValid = eta>; eta = eta(isValid); gridIndex = gridIndex(isValid); ind = ind(isValid); new_value = min(1,eta/; toc; disp('read write tsdf'); tic; old_weight = tsdf_weight(gridIndex); new_weight = old_weight + 1; tsdf_weight (gridIndex)= new_weight; tsdf_value (gridIndex) = (tsdf_value(gridIndex).*old_weight +new_value)./new_weight; toc; end [pX,pY]=meshgrid(,; raycastingDirectionW = [pX(:)',3); pY(:)',3); mean([,1),2)])*ones(1,*]; % clipping at 8 meter is the furthest depth of kinect raycastingDirectionW = raycastingDirectionW ./ repmat(sqrt(sum(raycastingDirectionW.^2,1)),3,1); num_directions = size(raycastingDirectionW,2); camCenterW = [0;0;0]; castingRange = [0.4 8]; raycastingDirectionWinv = raycastingDirectionW.^-1; tt = sort(cat(3, repmat(voxel.range(:,1) + repmat(voxel.unit,3,1) - camCenterW,1,num_directions), repmat(voxel.range(:,2) - repmat(voxel.unit,3,1) - camCenterW,1,num_directions)) .* repmat(raycastingDirectionWinv,[1,1,2]),3); tnearArray = max(max(tt(:,:,1),[],1), castingRange(1)); tfarArray = min(min(tt(:,:,2),[],1), castingRange(2)); camCenterWgrid = (camCenterW - voxel.range(:,1)) / voxel.unit + 1; step = voxel.unit; largestep = 0.75 *; %tPrev = 0; tMap = single(NaN(1,*; raycast(tMap, single(raycastingDirectionW/voxel.unit), single(tnearArray), single(tfarArray), single(camCenterWgrid-1), tsdf_value, size(tsdf_value,1), size(tsdf_value,2),step, largestep); % computer vertex map VMap = repmat(camCenterW,1,* + raycastingDirectionW .* (repmat(tMap,3,1)); depthRefined = reshape(VMap(3,:),,; figure;imagesc(depthRefined,dispclim); axis equal; axis tight; axis off; title('refined depth'); % [x,y] = meshgrid(,; X(1,:) = reshape((,3)).*depthRefined/,1),1,[]); X(2,:) = reshape((,3)).*depthRefined/,2),1,[]); X(3,:) = reshape(depthRefined,1,[]); X = X(:,~isnan(depthRefined(:))); points2ply('pt_Mac.ply', X);