function [VMap,NMap,tMap,CMap] = raycastingTSDF(camRtC2W, castingRange) % VMap and NMap are in the world coordinate % DDA based ray casting global raycastingDirectionC; global voxel; global tsdf_value; global tsdf_color; camCenterW = getCameraCenter(camRtC2W); raycastingDirectionW = transformRTdir(raycastingDirectionC,camRtC2W); camCenterWgrid = (camCenterW - voxel.range(:,1)) / voxel.unit + 1; tMap = NaN(1,640*480); NMap = NaN(3,640*480); CMap = NaN(3,640*480); nearPlane = 0.3; farPlane = 8.0; step = voxel.unit; largestep = 0.75 *; tPrev = 0; for i=1:(640*480) % Ray-Box Intersection to get the range origin = camCenterW; direction = raycastingDirectionW(:,i); % intersect ray with a box % % compute intersection of ray with all six bbox planes invR = 1 ./ direction; tbot = invR .* (voxel.range(:,1) + repmat(voxel.unit,3,1) - origin); ttop = invR .* (voxel.range(:,2) - repmat(voxel.unit,3,1) - origin); % re-order intersections to find smallest and largest on each axis tmin = min(ttop, tbot); tmax = max(ttop, tbot); % find the largest tmin and the smallest tmax largest_tmin = max(max(tmin(1), tmin(2)), max(tmin(1), tmin(3))); smallest_tmax = min(min(tmax(1), tmax(2)), min(tmax(1), tmax(3))); % check against near and far plane tnear = max(largest_tmin, nearPlane); tfar = min(smallest_tmax, farPlane); if tnear < tfar % tPrev = tPrev - largestep; % if tnear<=tPrev && tPrev<= tfar % t = tPrev; % f_t = interpolateTrilineary(camCenterWgrid + direction * t / voxel.unit); % if f_t>0 % not yet hit the point % %if f_t < 0.8 % coming closer, reduce stepsize % stepsize = step; % %else % % stepsize = largestep; % %end % else % t = tnear; % % first walk with largesteps until we found a hit % stepsize = largestep; % %f_t = interpolateTrilineary(origin + direction * t); % f_t = interpolateTrilineary(camCenterWgrid + direction * t / voxel.unit); % end % else t = tnear; % first walk with largesteps until we found a hit stepsize = largestep; %f_t = interpolateTrilineary(origin + direction * t); f_t = interpolateTrilineary(camCenterWgrid + direction * t / voxel.unit); % end f_tt = 0; if f_t > 0 % ups, if we were already in it, then don't render anything here while t < tfar %f_tt = interpolateTrilineary(origin + direction * t); f_tt = interpolateTrilineary(camCenterWgrid + direction * t / voxel.unit); if f_tt < 0 % got it, jump out of inner loop break; end if f_tt < 0.8 % coming closer, reduce stepsize stepsize = step; end f_t = f_tt; t = t + stepsize; end if f_tt < 0 % got it, calculate accurate intersection tMap(i) = t + stepsize * f_tt / (f_t - f_tt); % tPrev = tMap(i); % for speed up % compute normal map XYZgrid = camCenterWgrid + direction * t / voxel.unit; NMap(1,i) = interpolateTrilineary(XYZgrid(1)+1,XYZgrid(2),XYZgrid(3))-interpolateTrilineary(XYZgrid(1)-1,XYZgrid(2),XYZgrid(3)); NMap(2,i) = interpolateTrilineary(XYZgrid(1),XYZgrid(2)+1,XYZgrid(3))-interpolateTrilineary(XYZgrid(1),XYZgrid(2)-1,XYZgrid(3)); NMap(3,i) = interpolateTrilineary(XYZgrid(1),XYZgrid(2),XYZgrid(3)+1)-interpolateTrilineary(XYZgrid(1),XYZgrid(2),XYZgrid(3)-1); if ~isempty(tsdf_color) CMap(:,i) = interpolateTrilinearyColor(XYZgrid(1),XYZgrid(2),XYZgrid(3)); end end end end end % normalize normal map NMap = NMap ./ repmat(sqrt(sum(NMap.^2,1)),3,1); % computer vertex map VMap = repmat(camCenterW,1,640*480) + raycastingDirectionW .* (repmat(tMap,3,1)); %imagesc(reshape(tMap,480,640)); axis equal; axis tight return; %camCenterWcopy = repmat( (camCenterW - voxel.range(:,1) ) / voxel.unit + 1,1,640*480); %startPoints = camCenterWcopy + raycastingDirectionW * (castingRange(1)/ voxel.unit); %endPoints = camCenterWcopy + raycastingDirectionW * (castingRange(2)/ voxel.unit); % % we assume the camera must be inside. otherwise, it is an error. % so we don't test the camera raycastingDirectionWinv = raycastingDirectionW.^-1; maxTx = max((voxel.size_grid(1)-2-camCenterWgrid(1))*raycastingDirectionWinv(1,:),(2-camCenterWgrid(1))*raycastingDirectionWinv(1,:)); maxTy = max((voxel.size_grid(2)-2-camCenterWgrid(2))*raycastingDirectionWinv(2,:),(2-camCenterWgrid(2))*raycastingDirectionWinv(2,:)); maxTz = max((voxel.size_grid(3)-2-camCenterWgrid(3))*raycastingDirectionWinv(3,:),(2-camCenterWgrid(3))*raycastingDirectionWinv(3,:)); maxT = min(maxTx, min(maxTy, maxTz)); castingRangeGrid = castingRange/voxel.unit; maxT = min(maxT, castingRangeGrid(2)); % parallel setting parallelBlock = matlabpool('size'); blockDim = (640*480)/parallelBlock; if blockDim ~= round(blockDim) error('thread does not align'); end backMove = voxel.mu_grid; tMap = NaN(1,640*480); NMap = NaN(3,640*480); CMap = NaN(3,640*480); initDis = 3/ voxel.unit; % prevT = initDis; for i=1:(640*480) % Ray-Box Intersection to get the range %{ raycast( const Volume volume, const uint2 pos, const Matrix4 view, const float nearPlane, const float farPlane, const float step, const float largestep){ const float3 origin = view.get_translation(); const float3 direction = rotate(view, make_float3(pos.x, pos.y, 1.f)); // intersect ray with a box // // compute intersection of ray with all six bbox planes const float3 invR = make_float3(1.0f) / direction; const float3 tbot = -1 * invR * origin; const float3 ttop = invR * (volume.dim - origin); // re-order intersections to find smallest and largest on each axis const float3 tmin = fminf(ttop, tbot); const float3 tmax = fmaxf(ttop, tbot); // find the largest tmin and the smallest tmax const float largest_tmin = fmaxf(fmaxf(tmin.x, tmin.y), fmaxf(tmin.x, tmin.z)); const float smallest_tmax = fminf(fminf(tmax.x, tmax.y), fminf(tmax.x, tmax.z)); // check against near and far plane const float tnear = fmaxf(largest_tmin, nearPlane); const float tfar = fminf(smallest_tmax, farPlane); if(tnear < tfar) { // first walk with largesteps until we found a hit float t = tnear; float stepsize = largestep; float f_t = volume.interp(origin + direction * t); float f_tt = 0; if( f_t > 0){ // ups, if we were already in it, then don't render anything here for(; t < tfar; t += stepsize){ f_tt = volume.interp(origin + direction * t); if(f_tt < 0) // got it, jump out of inner loop break; if(f_tt < 0.8f) // coming closer, reduce stepsize stepsize = step; f_t = f_tt; } if(f_tt < 0){ // got it, calculate accurate intersection t = t + stepsize * f_tt / (f_t - f_tt); return make_float4(origin + direction * t, t); } } } return make_float4(0); } %} tMin = castingRangeGrid(1); tMax = maxT(i); if tMin min range tStart = max(castingRangeGrid(1),min(tMax,prevT-backMove)); rayDir = raycastingDirectionW(:,i); startPoint = camCenterWgrid + rayDir*tStart; % The initialization phase begins by identifying the voxel in which the ray origin, ?u, is found. % If the ray origin is outside the grid, we find the point in which the ray enters the grid and take the adjacent voxel. % The integer variables X and Y are initialized to the starting voxel coordinates. X = round(startPoint(1)); Y = round(startPoint(2)); Z = round(startPoint(3)); valCurrentVoxel = tsdf_value(X,Y,Z); %valCurrentVoxel = interpValue(startPoint); tOptimal = NaN; if valCurrentVoxel == 0 % lucky, you got the surface immediately! %tMap(i) = tStart; prevT = tStart; tOptimal = tStart; else if valCurrentVoxel>0 localDir = rayDir; tMax = tMax-tStart; lookforSign = -1; else localDir = -rayDir; tMax = tStart-tMin; lookforSign = +1; end % In addition, the variables stepX and stepY are initialized to either 1 or -1 indicating % whether X and Y are incremented or decremented as the ray crosses voxel boundaries % (this is determined by the sign of the x and y components of ?v). stepX = sign(localDir(1)); stepY = sign(localDir(2)); stepZ = sign(localDir(3)); % Next, we determine the value of t at which the ray crosses the ?rst vertical voxel boundary % and store it in variable tMaxX. We perform a similar computation in y and store the result in tMaxY. % The minimum of these two values will indicate how much we can travel along the ray and still remain in the current voxel. if localDir(1)>0 tMaxX = (X+0.5 - startPoint(1))/localDir(1); elseif localDir(1)<0 tMaxX = (X-0.5 - startPoint(1))/localDir(1); else tMaxX = Inf; end if localDir(2)>0 tMaxY = (Y+0.5 - startPoint(2))/localDir(2); elseif localDir(2)<0 tMaxY = (Y-0.5 - startPoint(2))/localDir(2); else tMaxY = Inf; end if localDir(3)>0 tMaxZ = (Z+0.5 - startPoint(3))/localDir(3); elseif localDir(3)<0 tMaxZ = (Z-0.5 - startPoint(3))/localDir(3); else tMaxZ = Inf; end if min(min(tMaxX,tMaxY),tMaxZ)<0 error('tStart<0'); end % Finally, we compute tDeltaX and tDeltaY. % tDeltaX indicates how far along the ray we must move (in units of t) for the horizontal component of such a movement to equal the width of a voxel. % Similarly,we store in tDeltaY the amount of movement along the ray which has a vertical component equal to the height of a voxel. tDeltaX = 1/abs(localDir(1)); tDeltaY = 1/abs(localDir(2)); tDeltaZ = 1/abs(localDir(3)); t = 0; while t 0 if (tsdf_value(X,Y,Z)==-1 && valCurrentVoxel==+1) || (tsdf_value(X,Y,Z)==+1 && valCurrentVoxel==-1) tOptimal = NaN; else % found the zero crossing points! % simplest % tOptimal = t; % simple average tOptimal = (prevT + t)/2; %{ % buggy: Ftdt == Ft if lookforSign>0 prevTswap = prevT; prevT = t; t= prevTswap; end XYZt = startPoint + localDir*t; XYZtdt = startPoint + localDir*prevT; Ft = interpolateTrilineary(XYZt(1),XYZt(2),XYZt(3)); Ftdt = interpolateTrilineary(XYZtdt(1),XYZtdt(2),XYZtdt(3)); tOptimal = t - abs(t-prevT) * Ft / (Ftdt - Ft); if tOptimal>1000 error('tOptimal>1000'); end %} %fprintf('i=%d: t=%f tOptimal=%f Ft=%f Ftdt=%f\n',i,t,t - abs(t-prevT) * Ft / (Ftdt - Ft), Ft, Ftdt); tOptimal = tStart - tOptimal * lookforSign; prevT = tOptimal; end break; end valCurrentVoxel = tsdf_value(X,Y,Z); end end if ~isnan(tOptimal) tMap(i) = tOptimal; % compute normal map XYZgrid = camCenterWgrid + rayDir*tOptimal; NMap(1,i) = interpolateTrilineary(XYZgrid(1)+1,XYZgrid(2),XYZgrid(3))-interpolateTrilineary(XYZgrid(1)-1,XYZgrid(2),XYZgrid(3)); NMap(2,i) = interpolateTrilineary(XYZgrid(1),XYZgrid(2)+1,XYZgrid(3))-interpolateTrilineary(XYZgrid(1),XYZgrid(2)-1,XYZgrid(3)); NMap(3,i) = interpolateTrilineary(XYZgrid(1),XYZgrid(2),XYZgrid(3)+1)-interpolateTrilineary(XYZgrid(1),XYZgrid(2),XYZgrid(3)-1); if ~isempty(tsdf_color) CMap(:,i) = interpolateTrilinearyColor(XYZgrid(1),XYZgrid(2),XYZgrid(3)); end end end end % normalize normal map NMap = NMap ./ repmat(sqrt(sum(NMap.^2,1)),3,1); % computer vertex map VMap = repmat(camCenterW,1,640*480) + raycastingDirectionW .* (repmat(tMap*voxel.unit,3,1)); %imagesc(reshape(tMap,480,640)); axis equal; axis tight