function newDepth = SiftFu(sequenceName, frameIDs) %{ Please cite the following paper if you use this code Citation: J. Xiao, A. Owens and A. Torralba SUN3D Database: Semantic RGB-D Bundle Adjustment with Human in the Loop Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV2013) %} addpath(genpath('SIFTransac')) vl_setup; global toVisualize; toVisualize = true; %% IO if ~exist('sequenceName','var') % load demo sequence % look for all sequence name list at %sequenceName = 'hotel_mr/scan1'; %sequenceName = 'hotel_umd/maryland_hotel3'; %sequenceName = 'brown_bm_1/brown_bm_1'; sequenceName = 'mit_32_d428/bs4j179mmv'; end % the root path of SUN3D % change it to local if you downloaded the data %SUN3Dpath = '/data/vision/torralba/sun3d/record/scene_final'; SUN3Dpath = ''; % read intrinsic global K; K = reshape(readValuesFromTxt(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'intrinsics.txt')),3,3)'; % file list imageFiles = dirSmart(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'image/'),'jpg'); depthFiles = dirSmart(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'depth/'),'png'); % read time stamp imageFrameID = zeros(1,length(imageFiles)); imageTimestamp = zeros(1,length(imageFiles)); for i=1:length(imageFiles) id_time = sscanf(imageFiles(i).name, '%d-%d.jpg'); imageFrameID(i) = id_time(1); imageTimestamp(i) = id_time(2); end depthFrameID = zeros(1,length(depthFiles)); depthTimestamp = zeros(1,length(depthFiles)); for i=1:length(depthFiles) id_time = sscanf(depthFiles(i).name, '%d-%d.png'); depthFrameID(i) = id_time(1); depthTimestamp(i) = id_time(2); end % synchronize: find a depth for each image frameCount = length(imageFiles); IDimage2depth = zeros(1,frameCount); for i=1:frameCount [~, IDimage2depth(i)]=min(abs(double(depthTimestamp)-double(imageTimestamp(i)))); end %plot(double(imageTimestamp)-double(depthTimestamp(IDimage2depth))) if ~exist('frameIDs','var') frameIDs = 1:frameCount; else frameIDs = frameIDs(frameIDs>=1 & frameIDs<=frameCount); end imageFiles = imageFiles(frameIDs); depthFiles = depthFiles(IDimage2depth(frameIDs)); %% kinect fusion % for optimization global VMap; global NMap; global CMap; global XYZcam; global Ncam; global IMGcam; %% tsdf global voxel; global tsdf_value; global tsdf_weight; global tsdf_color; tsdf_color = []; voxel.unit = 0.01; % Kevin: 4mm = 0.004 meter. Kinect cannot go better than 3mm voxel.mu_grid = 10; % used to be 4 voxel.size_grid = [512; 512; 1024]; % [512; 512; 512]; voxel.range(1,1) = - voxel.size_grid(1) * voxel.unit / 2; voxel.range(1,2) = voxel.range(1,1) + (voxel.size_grid(1)-1) * voxel.unit; voxel.range(2,1) = - voxel.size_grid(2) * voxel.unit / 2; voxel.range(2,2) = voxel.range(2,1) + (voxel.size_grid(2)-1) * voxel.unit; voxel.range(3,1) = -0.5; % - voxel.size_grid(3) * voxel.unit / 2; voxel.range(3,2) = voxel.range(3,1) + (voxel.size_grid(3)-1) * voxel.unit; = voxel.mu_grid * voxel.unit; fprintf('memory = %f GB\n', prod(voxel.size_grid) * 4 / (1024*1024*1024)); fprintf('space = %.2f m x %.2f m x %.2f m ', voxel.size_grid(1) * voxel.unit, voxel.size_grid(2) * voxel.unit, voxel.size_grid(3) * voxel.unit); fprintf('= [%.2f,%.2f] x [%.2f,%.2f] x [%.2f,%.2f]\n',voxel.range(1,1),voxel.range(1,2),voxel.range(2,1),voxel.range(2,2),voxel.range(3,1),voxel.range(3,2)); %tsdf_value = -ones([voxel.size_grid(1),voxel.size_grid(2), voxel.size_grid(3)],'single'); tsdf_value = ones([voxel.size_grid(1),voxel.size_grid(2), voxel.size_grid(3)],'single'); tsdf_weight = zeros([voxel.size_grid(1),voxel.size_grid(2), voxel.size_grid(3)],'single'); % comment out this line to avoid using color % tsdf_color = zeros([voxel.size_grid(1),voxel.size_grid(2), voxel.size_grid(3)], 'uint32'); f = K(1,1); global ViewFrustumC; ViewFrustumC = [... 0 -320 -320 320 320; 0 -240 240 240 -240; 0 f f f f]; ViewFrustumC = ViewFrustumC/f * 8; % 8 meter is the furthest depth of kinect % precompute global raycastingDirectionC; [pX,pY]=meshgrid(1:640,1:480); raycastingDirectionC = [pX(:)'-K(1,3); pY(:)'-K(2,3); f*ones(1,640*480)]; % clipping at 8 meter is the furthest depth of kinect raycastingDirectionC = raycastingDirectionC ./ repmat(sqrt(sum(raycastingDirectionC.^2,1)),3,1); %% useSIFT = false; if useSIFT MatchPairs = cell(1,length(imageFiles)-1); end cameraRtC2W = repmat([eye(3) zeros(3,1)], [1,1,length(imageFiles)]); dispclim = [0 5]; for frameID = 1:length(imageFiles) fprintf('================================ Frame %d ================================\n',frameID); IMGcam = imageRead(fullfile(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'image',imageFiles(frameID).name))); %subplot(3,4,4) %imagesc(IMGcam); axis equal; axis tight; %drawnow; %title('input color'); if frameID==1 IMGcam1 = IMGcam; end % read the frame depth = depthRead(fullfile(fullfile(SUN3Dpath,sequenceName,'depth',depthFiles(frameID).name))); XYZcam = depth2XYZcamera(K, depth); if frameID==1 XYZcam1 = XYZcam; end Ncam = vertex2normal(XYZcam); if toVisualize if frameID==1 subplot(3,4,9) else subplot(3,4,1) end imagesc(XYZcam(:,:,3),dispclim); axis equal; axis tight title(sprintf('Frame %d: Input Depth',frameID)); axis off if frameID==1 subplot(3,4,10) else subplot(3,4,2) end imagesc((Ncam+1)/2); axis equal; axis tight title(sprintf('Frame %d: Input Normal',frameID)); axis off if frameID==1 subplot(3,4,11) else subplot(3,4,3) end raycastingDirectionW = transformRTdir(raycastingDirectionC,[eye(3) zeros(3,1)]); DotMap = reshape(max(0,sum(-reshape(Ncam,[480*640 3])' .* raycastingDirectionW,1)),[480 640]); imagesc(DotMap); colormap('gray'); axis equal; axis tight title(sprintf('Frame %d: Input Phong',frameID)); axis off end if frameID==1 camRtC2W = [eye(3) [0;0;0]]; else MatchPairs{frameID-1} = align2view(1,IMGcam1,XYZcam1,frameID,IMGcam,XYZcam); camRtC2W = MatchPairs{frameID-1}.Rt; if size(MatchPairs{frameID-1}.matches,2)<5 disp('SIFT matching failed, ignoring this frame'); continue; end end cameraRtC2W(:,:,frameID) = camRtC2W; %% update TSDF disp('update TSDF...'); %tic updateTSDF(camRtC2W); %toc %{ %% visualizing the voxel subplot(3,4,10) for i=1:voxel.size_grid(3) if min(min(min(tsdf_value(:,:,i)))) ~= max(max(max(tsdf_value(:,:,i)))) imagesc(tsdf_weight(:,:,i)'); axis equal; axis tight; xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); title(['frame ' num2str(i) ' = depth ' num2str((i-1)*voxel.unit+voxel.range(3,1)) ' meter']); pause(0.05); end end subplot(3,4,10) for i=1:voxel.size_grid(3) if min(min(min(tsdf_value(:,:,i)))) ~= max(max(max(tsdf_value(:,:,i)))) imagesc(tsdf_value(:,:,i)'); axis equal; axis tight; xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); title(['frame ' num2str(i) ' = depth ' num2str((i-1)*voxel.unit+voxel.range(3,1)) ' meter']); pause(0.05); end end %} %% ray casting for the result disp('ray casting'); tic % ray casting result is in the world coordinate [VMap,NMap,tMap,CMap] = raycastingTSDFvectorized([eye(3) [0;0;0]], [0.4 8]); %[VMap,NMap,tMap] = raycastingTSDFdump(camRtC2WrayCasting, [0.4 8]); toc newDepth = reshape(VMap(3,:),480,640); if toVisualize subplot(3,4,5) imagesc(newDepth,dispclim); axis equal; axis tight; axis off title(sprintf('Fused Depth',frameID)); end VMap = reshape(double(VMap'),480,640,3); VMap(:,:,4) = ~isnan(VMap(:,:,1)); NMap = vertex2normal(VMap); % normalize normal map %NMap = NMap ./ repmat(sqrt(sum(NMap.^2,1)),3,1); if toVisualize subplot(3,4,6) imagesc((NMap+1)/2); axis equal; axis tight; axis off title(sprintf('Fused Noraml',frameID)); end if toVisualize subplot(3,4,7) raycastingDirectionW = transformRTdir(raycastingDirectionC,[eye(3) zeros(3,1)]); DotMap = reshape(max(0,sum(-reshape(NMap,[480*640 3])' .* raycastingDirectionW,1)),[480 640]); imagesc(DotMap); colormap('gray'); axis equal; axis tight; axis off title(sprintf('Fused Phong',frameID)); end if toVisualize subplot(3,4,12) imagesc(abs(newDepth - XYZcam1(:,:,3)),dispclim); axis equal; axis tight; axis off title(sprintf('Difference of Depth',frameID)); drawnow; end %{ subplot(3,4,6) imagesc(min(1,max(0,(reshape(NMap',[480 640 3])+1)/2))); axis equal; axis tight title(sprintf('Frame %d: rayCasting Normal Map',frameID)); drawnow; %figure %visNMap = reshape(NMap',[480 640 3]); %out = visualizeNormals(-visNMap); %imagesc(out) %title('rayCasting Normal Map'); subplot(3,4,7) raycastingDirectionW = transformRTdir(raycastingDirectionC,camRtC2W); DotMap = reshape(max(0,sum(-NMap .* raycastingDirectionW,1)),[480 640]); imagesc(DotMap); colormap('gray'); axis equal; axis tight title(sprintf('Frame %d: phong shading',frameID)); drawnow; if ~isempty(tsdf_color) subplot(3,4,8) imagesc(reshape(CMap',[480,640,3])/255); axis equal; axis tight; drawnow; title(sprintf('Frame %d: ray casting color',frameID)); end %} %subplot(3,4,9) %imagesc(reshape(tMap,480,640)); axis equal; axis tight %title(sprintf('Frame %d: rayCasting tMap',frameID)); %drawnow; end end %% IO functions function values = readValuesFromTxt(filename) try values = textscan(urlread(filename),'%f'); catch fid = fopen(filename,'r'); values = textscan(fid,'%f'); fclose(fid); end values = values{1}; end function XYZcamera = depth2XYZcamera(K, depth) [x,y] = meshgrid(1:640, 1:480); XYZcamera(:,:,1) = (x-K(1,3)).*depth/K(1,1); XYZcamera(:,:,2) = (y-K(2,3)).*depth/K(2,2); XYZcamera(:,:,3) = depth; XYZcamera(:,:,4) = depth~=0; end function depth = depthRead(filename) depth = imread(filename); depth = bitor(bitshift(depth,-3), bitshift(depth,16-3)); depth = single(depth)/1000; end %{ % test to make sure it is correct for i=0:65535 depth = uint16(i); code =bitor(bitshift(depth,3),bitshift(depth,3-16)); recoverDepth = bitor(bitshift(code,-3), bitshift(code,16-3)); if (depth~=recoverDepth) fprintf('error + %d\n',i); end end %} function image = imageRead(filename) image = imread(filename); end function files = dirSmart(page, tag) [files, status] = urldir(page, tag); if status == 0 files = dir(fullfile(page, ['*.' tag])); end end function [files, status] = urldir(page, tag) if nargin == 1 tag = '/'; else tag = lower(tag); if strcmp(tag, 'dir') tag = '/'; end if strcmp(tag, 'img') tag = 'jpg'; end end nl = length(tag); nfiles = 0; files = []; % Read page page = strrep(page, '\', '/'); [webpage, status] = urlread(page); if status % Parse page j1 = findstr(lower(webpage), ''); chain = deblank(chain(10:jc(1)-1)); % check if it is the right type if length(chain)>length(tag)-1 if strcmp(chain(end-nl+1:end), tag) nfiles = nfiles+1; chain = strrep(chain, '%20', ' '); % replace space character files(nfiles).name = chain; files(nfiles).bytes = 1; end end end end end end