function [result,croppedImage] = isGoodPhoto(img) minWidth = 480; minHeight = 480; %minWidth = 128; %minHeight = 128; croppedImage = []; if isa(img,'char') img = imread(img); end if isa(img,'logical') result = 'binary'; return; end if ndims(img)>3 result = 'animation'; return; end if size(img,1) 0.5 result = 'too white'; return; elseif sum(h(1:10))/sum(h) > 0.5 result = 'too black'; return; end else h = imhist(img(:,:,1)) + imhist(img(:,:,2)) + imhist(img(:,:,3)); if sum(h(240:end))/sum(h) > 0.6 result = 'too white'; return; elseif sum(h(1:10))/sum(h) > 0.8 result = 'too black'; return; end end imgG = img; G = fspecial('gaussian',[5 5],2); %# Filter it imgG = imfilter(imgG,G,'symmetric','same'); if size(imgG,3)>1 imgG = rgb2gray(imgG); end tto = edge(imgG,'canny'); if sum(tto(:))/numel(tto) < 0.01 result = 'too pure'; return; end %{ % check if it is line drawing imgG = img; if size(imgG,3)>1 imgG = rgb2gray(imgG); end h = imhist(imgG); if sum(h(240:end))/sum(h) > 0.5 result = 'too white'; return; elseif sum(h(1:10))/sum(h) > 0.5 result = 'too black'; return; else [~,ind]=max(h); if sum(h(max(1,ind-7):min(256,ind+7)))/sum(h) > 0.7 result = 'too pure'; return; end end %} % maybe useful if size(img,3)==1 ttWhite = img>252; else ttWhite = img(:,:,1)>252 & img(:,:,2)>252 & img(:,:,3)>252; end if size(img,3)==1 ttBlack = img<5; else ttBlack = img(:,:,1)<5 & img(:,:,2)<5 & img(:,:,3)<5; end wWhite=sum(ttWhite,1) > size(tto,1)*0.7; hWhite=sum(ttWhite,2) > size(tto,2)*0.7; wBlack=sum(ttBlack,1) > size(tto,1)*0.7; hBlack=sum(ttBlack,2) > size(tto,2)*0.7; anyEdgeW = sum(tto,1) > size(tto,1)*0.01; anyEdgeH = sum(tto,2) > size(tto,2)*0.01; minW=find(anyEdgeW, 1 )-1+2; maxW=size(imgG,2)-find(anyEdgeW, 1, 'last' ); minH=find(anyEdgeH, 1 )-1+2; maxH=size(imgG,1)-find(anyEdgeH, 1, 'last' ); try if minW<3 || maxW<3 minW = 0; maxW = 0; else wMargin = wWhite | wBlack; if ~(any(wMargin(1:minW)) && any(wMargin(end-maxW:end))) minW = 0; maxW = 0; end end if minH<3 || maxH<3 minH = 0; maxH = 0; else hMargin = hWhite | hBlack; if ~(any(hMargin(1:minH)) && any(hMargin(end-maxH:end))) minH = 0; maxH = 0; end end if minW>0 || maxW>0 || minH>0 || maxH>0 croppedImage = img(minH+1:size(imgG,1)-maxH,minW+1:size(imgG,2)-maxW,:); result = 'crop'; if size(croppedImage,1)252; else tt = img(:,:,1)>252 & img(:,:,2)>252 & img(:,:,3)>252; end %# invert tt so that it's 1 where there is signal tt = ~tt; %# clean up some of the smaller artifacts tto = imopen(tt,strel('square',10)); %# get the areas and bounding box of the areas above threshold %# as an additional criterion, you could also use excentricity stats = regionprops(tto,'BoundingBox','Area'); if ~isempty(stats) area = cat(1,stats.Area); [~,maxAreaIdx] = max(area); bb = round(stats(maxAreaIdx).BoundingBox); %# note that regionprops switches x and y (it's a long story) croppedImage = img(bb(2):bb(2)+bb(4)-1,bb(1):bb(1)+bb(3)-1,:); if size(croppedImage,1)